
Hi, I'm Kenji Tojo (東條建治), a Ph.D. student at the Creative Informatics Department of the University of Tokyo, advised by Prof. Nobuyuki Umetani.

I study computer graphics. I'm especially interested in the application of inverse rendering methods to geometric design and computational fabrication problems.


Free-form Floor Plan Design using Differentiable Voronoi Diagram

Xuanyu Wu,  Kenji Tojo,  Nobuyuki Umetani

Hybrid explicit/implicit representation for floor plan generation.
Project Website
Pacific Graphics 2024

Fabricable 3D Wire Art

Kenji Tojo,  Ariel Shamir,  Bernd Bickel,  Nobuyuki Umetani

Creating fabricable 3D wire sculptures from text and more.
Project Website
ACM SIGGRAPH 2024 - Conference Track

Stealth Shaper: Reflectivity Optimization as Surface Stylization

Kenji Tojo,  Ariel Shamir,  Bernd Bickel,  Nobuyuki Umetani

Optimizing reflectivity, while preserving the original geometry.
Project Website
ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 - Conference Track

Recolorable Posterization of Volumetric Radiance Fields Using Visibility-Weighted Palette Extraction

Kenji Tojo,  Nobuyuki Umetani

Palette-based stylization and recoloring of radiance fields.
Project Website
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) 2022

Neural Motion Compression with Frequency-adaptive Fourier Feature Network

Kenji Tojo,  Yifei Chen,  Nobuyuki Umetani

Compressing motion data using implicit neural representations.
Project Website  /  Code
Eurographics 2022 Short Paper (EG 2022 Short)


Software Engineering Intern - Morgenrot Inc. (March 2021)

Research Assistant - The University of Tokyo (February - March 2021)

  • Mentor: Takeo Igarashi


Dean's prize for outstanding Master's research (UTokyo)

  • Best Master's thesis & presentation of 2023 in the Creative Informatics Department.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) - Research Fellow (DC1)

  • 2,400,000 JPY / year
  • Apr 2023 - March 2026


Independent errata of a type theory textbook

  • Article (arXiv)
  • I wrote Section 4, which proves the principal type's existence.

Test Scores

  • TOEFL iBT: 105 (October 15, 2022)